Goals update

It's been awhile since I've taken a look at my goals for this year, so I thought I'd do that today.  Here is my list:

Read 12 books...at least three being non-fiction.
Try one new recipe each month
Floss daily (the lady that cleans my teeth says you MUST floss twice a day. For real? Flossing once a day would be a monumental improvement for me!)
Get back on track with sending birthday cards to all family members
Finish potty training with Miss J and start with Miss M

I'm excited to say I'm doing well!   Back in June, I compiled a list of all the books I had read so far. Here's the rest of the list at this point:

9. A Mile in my Flipflops by Melody Carlson
10.  Coming Home by Karen Kingsbury
11. Stranded in Paradise by Lori Copland
12. A Place Called Blessing by John Trent
13. Mr. Darcy Broke my Heart by Beth Pattillo
14. A Month of Summer by Lisa Wingate

And although I started reading Love and Logic, I sadly didn't finish it before it had to go back to the library.  Turns out the waiting list for that book is quite extensive.  Hmmm....  So....I finally bought it off Amazon with a gift card I had tucked away.  And it just arrived last week!  So I'm thinking that it should be the next book on my list.  Now that I've made it to my goal of 12 books (and even a little past that), maybe I'll update my goal to 20 books.  Yikes!  Not sure if that will be realistic with only a few months left, but we'll give it a go.

As for recipes, Pinterest has really helped me out with my goal of one new recipe a month.  I haven't been keeping track, but I think it would be safe to say we've experimented with at least one new one each month.  This week Butternut Squash soup is on the menu as our new recipe of the month.  Maybe later this week I can post some of the other recipes that have made it into a regular rotation at our house lately. :)

Next up is flossing.  Check!  I've only missed a few days this year.  (Partially because I ran out of floss for the first time in my life!)

Potty Training.  Wow.  This is something that makes me grin like a silly person now.  We've conquered!  Both girls are doing AWESOME!  But that whole story is for another day. :)


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